
We understand that there’s a lot of information to process. You can find answers to some of our commonly asked questions here, and for anything else, speak to an expert..

How do I create a new tax rebate?

Easy: just visit your account and click ‘start a new claim’. From there, you’ll be guided through the steps and prompted to complete any outstanding information. You can check where your claim is up to at any point through the process.

How long does it take to get my rebate?

We aim to make your claim as simple and as quick as possible. Once we have all of your information and you’ve accepted your rebate amount, we’ll process the money within 24 hours and let you know when the cash is yours to withdraw. You can check the progress of your tax rebate via your dashboard.

Can I claim for multiple tax years?

Yes, you can claim for multiple tax years, and HMRC will let you backdate your claim for the last 4 years. To process more than one years’ return at once, simply head to your dashboard and hit ‘start a new claim’.

How can I upload more expenses?

Forgotten to upload something? It happens. If you’ve got outstanding expenses to upload or we’ve requested more information, you can upload a copy by heading over to your dashboard.

Is there someone I can talk to about my rebate?

We’re here to help. If you’d like to talk to one of our experts about your rebate, you can call or email us using the details below.

Can't find your answer?

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Give us a bell on 020 8570 1750

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Drop an email to tax@brianalfred.co.uk